mineralogy, history, and metaphysics
Welcome to the Labradorite page. Here, you will learn everything you need to know, including mineralogy, history, metaphysics, and more!
Notable localities include: Madagascar, Canada, and Finland.
(Transformation, Protection, Intuition)
Labradorite is a feldspar mineral with a Mohs hardness rating of 6-6.5, and a chemical composition of (Ca,Na)(Al,Si)4O8. The name originates from Canada, specifically the Labrador region, where it was originally discovered in 1770. It is most often found in mafic igneous rocks. The vibrant display of colors exhibited by the stone is called labradorescence, sometimes also called schiller or adularescence, although these secondary terms are often applied to other feldspar minerals, such as moonstone. Labradorescence is created due to light entering the stone, striking a twinning surface, and refracting into a variable spectrum of colors, with different twinning surfaces producing different colors of perceived light. Notable localities for the material include Canada, Madagascar, China, and Finland; however, lesser quantities and qualities of the feldspar mineral have been discovered in numerous places worldwide, including Antarctica. Historically, Inuit and Beothuk legends have stated that the power and beautiful color that labradorite possesses is a result of the aurora borealis that was once trapped within the stone, and it wasn’t until a mighty warrior discovered the stone, and broke it, that the aurora could be released back into the night sky of the world.
Metaphysically, Labradorite is a crystal of manifestation, intuition, and transformation. A powerful stone of the Third Eye Chakra, labradorite is said to aid its user in finding divine connection to the universe, allowing for existential knowledge to flood the mind and induce calculated thought and manifestation practices. Labradorite is also said to aid the mind by raising consciousness and awareness, creating practical avenues for constructive thought and, in turn, allowing for necessary change to take hold. Physically, labradorite is said to aid the body with afflictions of the eyes, brain, and nasal cavities. It is said that labradorite can also help to alleviate symptoms related to memory loss and hormonal imbalance.