mineralogy, history, and metaphysics
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(Love, Happiness, Stress Relief, Peace of Mind)
Kunzite, the lavender colored variation of Spodumene, is a pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminum inosilicate, or LiAlSi2O6. The mineral spodumene often occurs as colorless to yellow, as well as various shades of purple, pink, and green. Well-formed crystals are often prismatic, and have been discovered in great size: For example, it has been reported that a single crystal of spodumene from the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA, reached over 47ft in length and 3ft in its width! Kunzite is one of the best-known examples of spodumene crystals, and its beautiful pink hue is attributed to its Manganese inclusions. Well-developed crystals of Kunzite are known for their strong pleochroic attributes, with Pleochroism being defined as a crystals ability to display a variable number of colors, depending on the its axis position and resulting light dispersion. In Kunzite, several shades of lavender – pink can be displayed within the crystal structure. Fine examples of the material are often cut into gemstones or purchased for enthusiast collection, but Kunzite’s most profound importance is resourced from its high concentrations of Lithium. Lithium has several industrial applications, including heat-resistant glass and ceramics, lithium metal batteries, lithium-ion batteries, lithium grease lubricants, as well as uses in flux additives for iron, steel and aluminum production. In addition, Lithium is also used to treat bipolar disorder, which is characterized by recurrent episodes of depression and manic tendencies. Kunzite is named for American Gemologist and collector, George Frederick Kunz; although, the Pala, California, USA discovery of kunzite is generally attributed to a man named Frederick M. Sickler, who in 1903 sent the first specimens to G. F. Kunz for analysis. At the time, Kunz was the chief jeweler at Tiffany & Co, and was considered a renowned mineralogist.
Metaphysically, Kunzite is said to aid its user with the removal of unwanted feelings of stress and anxiety, paranoia, and rage. A powerful stone of the Heart Chakra, Kunzite is said to facilitate energies of forgiveness, comfort, and Love; while also removing suppressed feelings of distrust and irrational fear. An emotional healer, Kunzite is a supportive crystal that can be best used in times of change, as it helps to develop a person’s capacity for understanding within the mind, and allows for acceptance and peace within the heart. Physically, Kunzite is said to aid the body with afflictions affecting the brain; such as manic disorders, bipolar disorder, and depression. High concentrations of Lithium that are present within the chemical structure can help to allow for clearer thinking habits and rational responses to adversity. It is also said that Kunzite can help to relax the racing mind, allowing for simpler transition to one’s meditative state.