Agatized Fossil Coral

mineralogy, history, and metaphysics

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Tampa Bay, Florida, USA


(Grounding, Diplomacy, Foundational Success, Symbiosis)


Fossil coral is a natural stone that is formed when ancient coral, made of calcite or aragonite, CaCO3, is gradually replaced by more durable variations of silica, SiO2 . Over long periods of time, corals fragment and die, sand and debris accumulate between the corals, and the shells of clams and other mollusks decay to form a gradually and naturally evolving calcium carbonate structure. Agatized coral typically appears as small floral-like patterns within the stone, and can form in a wide range of natural colors, depending on varying degrees of trace elements present within the silicification process. Today, there are many modern species of coral, with over 6,000 known species worldwide; Whereas, the oldest fossil corals date back to the Ordovician period, which began over 450 million years ago. For perspective, the Great Barrier Reef is considered the youngest reef system in the world, forming only 600,000 years ago. Coral reef systems maintain vital resources for a balanced ecosystem. The Great Barrier reef in Australia is home to over 1,500 species of fish, 4,000 species of mollusk, 400 species of coral, and around 240 species of birds, plus a great diversity of marine worms, anemones, crustaceans, sponges and other species.


Classification and written history of corals has been widely discussed and debated upon for millennia, with arguments surrounding their similarities and distinctions between both plants and animals. Aristotle's pupil, Theophrastus, described red corals in his book on stones, implying it was a mineral, but then also went on to describe it as a deep-sea plant, later on. Roman philosopher and rock enthusiast, Pliny the Elder, strongly stated that several sea creatures, including sea nettles and sponges, "are neither animals nor plants, but are possessed of a third nature (tertia natura)". The Babylonian Talmud refers to coral within a list of different trees. Similarly, the French commentator Rashi described it as "a type of tree that grows underwater, named coral, from the Greek Korallion.” But it wasn’t until the Persian polymath, Al-Biruni, went on to classify sponges and corals as animals, with his argument centralizing around the fact that they would respond to touch. Al-Biruni was on to something, and in the eighteenth century, British astronomer and theorist, William Herschel, used a microscope to establish that coral has the characteristic thin cell membranes of an animal, as well as tentacles and digestive orifices, conclusively leading to the species’ classification of marine invertebrates.


Corals are marine colony invertebrates within the class Anthozoa, and of the phylum Cnidaria. They typically form as polyps to much larger colonies of identical nature. Coral species create important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans and help maintain the aquatic ecosystem, as well as its natural biodiversity. Each polyp of coral is a sac-like animal that grows no larger than a coffee bean. Individual colonies often grow by asexual reproduction of these polyps; Interestingly, though, corals can also breed by spawning, where polyps of the same species simultaneously release overnight gametes (reproductive fluids and eggs), most often around the time of a full moon. Fertilized eggs form planulae, an early form of the coral polyp, which when mature, settles to form a new colony. Over many generations, the colony creates a skeletal characteristic of the species, which can measure up to 12 feet in size! The colony builds, generation after generation, through a natural secretion process of calcium carbonate, which in turn, becomes the essential framework of the reef. While certain corals are able to catch plankton and small fish using stinging cells on their tentacles, most corals acquire the majority of their energy and nutrients from photosynthetic microplankton that live within their tissues. These microplankton are what give the coral its vibrant and varying colorations. Most photosynthesizing coral are found in clear ocean waters and within 200ft of the surface; however, there are certain variations of coral that live in cold water depths of nearly 11,000ft below the water’s surface! Sadly, due to rising sea temperatures and water acidity, many near surface photosynthesizing coral species could be headed towards extinction.


Metaphysically, fossil coral is considered a grounding stone. It is said to facilitate in necessary and beneficial changes within one’s life, while providing the foundational framework for success in business, as well as enhancing grounding energies that could facilitate stability in one’s own personal development. Agatized fossil coral is said to help maintain and heal pancreatic disorders, as well as improve blood and air circulation within the body. It is also said to aid the stomach in digestion, and create physical wellness and longevity.