Flos Ferri Aragonite
mineralogy, history, and metaphysics
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China and Austria.
(Confidence, Self-Discipline, Stability, Stress Relief, Expression, Vocalization)
The term Flos Ferri means "flowers of iron", despite the mineral itself not containing any substantial amount of iron within its chemical structure. Flos Ferri is helictitic, having a curving or angular form that looks as if they were grown in zero gravity. They are likely the result of capillary forces acting on tiny water droplets, a force often strong enough at this scale to actually defy the caves gravity. Helictites are, perhaps, the most delicate of all cave formations. They are usually made of needle-like calcite and aragonite, as well as a coral-like variety of blue Aragonite.
Aragonite is a carbonate mineral and is one of the most common naturally occurring crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), with the other most well-known variety being calcite. It can be found in a wide range of colors, with common variations displaying from red to orange, purple to pink, and green to blue. Aragonite is formed by physical and biological processes, most often as a result of precipitation from marine and freshwater environments. The crystal lattice of aragonite is different from that of calcite, resulting in an orthorhombic crystal system that yields acicular crystals, with repeated twinning crystals resulting in quasi-hexagonal forms. Aragonite may also be columnar or fibrous, and can occasionally be found in bright blue branching formations, sometimes called flos-ferri, meaning "flowers of iron".
Aragonite is a foundational mineral for many aquatic shell-bearing animals, including marine snails called abalone, as well as clams, oysters, and mussels. Interestingly, the shells of abalone are exceptionally strong and are made of microscopic calcium carbonate tiles of aragonite, which are stacked like bricks. Between the alternating carbonate tiles is a clingy protein substance which helps to aid in the animal’s defense. When the abalone shell is struck, the tiles slide against each other instead of shattering, and the protein stretches to absorb the energy of the blow. The abalone shell is roughly 3,000 times more fracture resistant than a single crystal of calcium carbonate. Experiments performed in 1999, from the University of California- Santa Barbara, discovered that the mechanism behind its fracture resistance is in the polymer adhesive that holds the crystal tiles together. The discovery would go on to suggest a new kind of biological "rubber", and helped in explaining the exceptional strength of the “plywood-like structure” of the aragonite which bonded the abalone shell together. Using the findings, scientists and inventors worked hand in hand to create grand industrial research, building fibers that are simultaneously strong and elastically tough at the same time. Applications of such fibers included usage within textiles, ropes, construction materials, aeronautics, camping gear, as well as in certain biomedical applications, such as implant materials and prosthetics.
Aragonite is also considered an essential mineral for the replication of coral reef conditions. In coral production, the colony builds, generation after generation, through a natural secretion process of calcium carbonate, which in turn becomes the essential framework of the reef. Each polyp of coral is a sac-like animal that grows no larger than a coffee bean. Fertilized eggs form planulae, an early form of the coral polyp, which when mature, settle to form a new colony. Over many generations, the colony creates a skeletal characteristic of the species, which is made of calcium carbonate, and can measure up to 12 feet in size!
In addition to its uses within the animal kingdom, aragonite also aids in keeping the pH of ocean water close to its natural level.
Metaphysically, Flos Ferri aragonite is said to aid with energy facilitation of the root, sacral, and throat chakras. It is a stone of patience and acceptance, while also being able to create a comfortable space for relief from anger and stress related situations. A stone of tolerance, wound healing, expression and truth, it is said to help the user in creating stability and foundation, providing a firm place to settle down and tap into more productive forward-thinking vocalization habits. Physically, aragonite is said to aid the body with afflictions of the bones. It is also said to aid the teeth and muscles by facilitating healthy calcium absorption, reducing enamel decay and muscle spasms. Furthermore, it is said to aid with functions and stability of the lower back.